Coho Salmon Retention Spring & Fall 2022

Coho Salmon Retention September 2022 DFO has modified the retention regulations for Coho in areas 13, 14, and subareas 15-2 to 15-6 for the month of September 2022.  During September, anglers in the above areas can keep two (2) coho per day, of which one may be unmarked (wild).  Previously, the daily limit was also…

The big guy holding a big fish

Chinook Salmon Retention Spring 2022

Chinook Salmon Retention Spring 2022 As of April 1, 2022, DFO has made some changes to Chinook salmon retention.  There’s good news and bad news.  The bad news isn’t horrible. The good news is that we’re allowed to keep one Chinook salmon per day in the Bute and Toba Inlets area — see map below,…