2024 Trip Advisor Traveller’s Choice Award
Four years in a row . . . proud to again be the recipient of the Trip Advisor Traveller’s Choice Award. All thanks go to my fantastic clients. Thanks for the reviews!
2024 Chinook (King) Salmon Retention
We’ve been keeping Chinook salmon (one per day) in Area 15-5 in and around Toba Inlet. Fishing has been strong there — add in the gorgeous scenery and it’s well worth the hour and twenty minute boat ride from Campbell River. Looking forward to July 15 when we expect to be able to keep Chinook closer to home. Typical regulations in effect locally for our summers are:
- One (1) Chinook salmon per person per day
- 62 cm minimum size
- 80 cm maximum size (marked or unmarked, i.e. hatchery or wild)
And then September 1st the limit goes up to two (2) per day per person, with no maximum size limit.
2024 Coho (Silver) Salmon Retention
At the moment, we’re able to keep two (2) hatchery coho per person per day. You can identify a hatchery fish by the missing adipose fin, which gets clipped at the hatchery when the fish are smolts. The coho have been abundant, and it looks like they’re starting to put on some weight and size. Maybe we’ll get an opening to keep one wild + one hatchery coho as the summer progresses.
The daily limit for all species of Pacific salmon is four (4), but individual salmon species limits also apply. The possession limit is twice the daily limit.
Bring On Summer 2024!
I’m ready for it. More than ready. Are you? Would love to take you out fishing — don’t hesitate to drop me a line!